So, I came across Matt’s blog on the Delhi Bloggers mailing list and the post that I saw right up on top there was some list of points regarding the Elder Wand in the last of Harry Potter books, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows!! This post was a sort of follow up on his earlier post he wrote a month back indicating several plot holes in the last book and the whole story in seven books.

Now I wonder why people just write nonsense stuff without understanding what they are writing. Going through the comments on that month old plot hole post, one can find a number of mundane people calling themselves fans while the stuff they are writing clearly indicates that they hardly ever read the books & might have as well picked up stuff from here and there!!

Now here are some of the questions that Matt & some of those fans put up against the story & the last book:

Q: Why does the disarming spell Expelliarmus always works? Why isn’t there a counter spell, if there are counter spells to almost everything like the summoning charm Accio?
A: Firstly, its not true that there are counter curses/jinxes/charms etc. for every curse/charm/jinx. The killing curse, Avada Kedavra, is one very good example which is unblockable, though it has been blocked more than once via Expelliarmus by Harry, but then its not a fact that it’ll always be blocked by that. The fact that’s also to be taken into consideration is that the case of Harry and Lord Voldermort wasn’t normal, since a lot of things that happened between them were in uncharted territory, all because of the curse that failed Voldemort. Secondly, Expelliarmus can & have been blocked by the shield charm, Protego!! So I’d suggest Matt to keep his eyes open when reading books!! 😉

Q: If Expelliarmus is so effective that it saved Harry from the killing curse, why doesn’t just everybody use it?
A: The simple answer that was given by Dumbledore(as far as I remember), its an effective spell which is heavily under-estimated, especially by grown up wizards/witches. One proof was in the sixth book, Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix, when in the first practice session of Dumbledore’s Army Harry asked everyone to practice this spell & Zacharias Smith scoffed at Harry for asking them to try out such a stupid & useless spell!!

Q: How can people jump out of a spell’s/curse’s way?
A: A very simple answer again, something which escaped high thinking minds. According to Rowling(as per how she has written the story), spells/curses/jinxes are like bullets fired by guns called wands!! Every fantasy author lets his/her imagination run wild when writing a fantasy story, there are no hard and firm rules of real world which they have to adhere to. One example is the difference between portrayal of Elves in LOTR and Harry Potter books; while they are one of the supreme beings in LOTR, they are portrayed as one of the inferior and weak beings in Harry Potter story. Matt gave an example of how this is similar to the magic that Mandrake performed. I would suggest Matt that he go and read Mandrake again(seems like he hardly reads anything well, all wrong with everything) because in many comic books over the decades, Mandrake has mentioned a lot of times that he doesn’t do magic, its all mass hypnosis where he hypnotises people, creates an illusion in their minds which makes them believe certain things are happening & thus consider Mandrake a magician!! So I for one can’t make a head or tail out of what Matt means when he said that Harry Potter magic is like Mandrake magic!!

Q: Lord Voldemort’s Cruciatas curse doesn’t work on Harry in the forest, towards the end of the seventh book. Why?
A: There can be 2 possible explanations, either of them or both of them; Harry was protected by his own sacrifice or since the Elder Wand, via which Voldy performed the curse, was at that time loyal to Harry, it didn’t work. These explanations have been given on that post of Matt’s by some observant readers.

Q: How did Harry work out that the Elder Wand belonged to him? He ain’t an expert in wandlore!!
A: Another example of dumbo fans & Matt not reading with their eyes open. Didn’t Ollivander tell clearly to Lord Voldemort(which Harry saw & heard as well) that a wand’s loyalty has to be won by defeating its current owner!! Slow he might be, but in all six previous books I’ve got the impression that Harry finally works things out putting 2 and 2 together to deduce the result as 4. 😉

Q: Lord Voldemort didn’t know about the Deathly Hallows when every kid was aware of them. Why? Why was he aware of only the Elder Wand?
A: Firstly, wizarding kids are aware of only the kid story where the Hallows are mentioned as a powerful Elder Wand, death’s invisibility cloak & the resurrection stone. They are not aware that together the three items are called Deathly Hallows, the name which only a few wizards/witches are aware of!! Secondly, Voldy didn’t know about either of them because of the same reason Harry & Hermione weren’t aware of them, all three were brought up by muggles where they didn’t get to read wizarding kid story books! And since thats stuff from a kid story book, no one thought it worth mentioning to Tom Riddle aka Lord Voldemort!!

Q: How come Lord Voldemort wasn’t aware that Harry was also one of his Horcruxes?
A: Simply because poor Voldy didn’t create it himself out of his own free will!! He knew only about those horcruxes which he created himself out of his own evil will. Harry was made a horcrux by accident as unfortunate Voldy’s killing curse rebounded back on him & ripped his remaining soul from his body!! Why didn’t Voldy feel it? Same reason as why didn’t he feel it when all of his horcruxes were destroyed one by one, his soul was so much mutiliated that it didn’t feel anything!! Guess Dumbledore mentioned all that, but this will be known only to those who read with their eyes open, yeah? 😉

Q: Towards seventh book’s end, Harry and others were told by Aberforth that they wouldn’t be able to disapparate from Hogsmeade. But students did get away from his pub later on. How come they were able to disapparate?
A: Has it been mentioned that the students disapparated from Aberforth’s pub? Funnily enough I don’t seem to recall it!! 😉 Assuming that they did disapparate, so what? Big deal? The spell blocking disapparation was probably effective only in open air and not inside the buildings of Hogsmeade!! Or perhaps the Death Eaters didn’t perform it well. For cryin’ out loud, you are not gonna put them in Azkaban for that, now would you? Alright they goofed up, when their Dark Lord Voldy can, why can’t they? They’ve got as much or perhaps more right to goof up since they are inferior in skill & knowledge to Voldy!! Still human aren’t they? Mistakes happen man, don’t you know? 😉

Q: If Harry’s invisibility cloak is so good(supposedly of the Death itself), how was Dumbledore able to see Harry under it as well?
A: Observation man!! Unaware of disillusionment charm, aren’t you? Don’t know that a person doesn’t become invisible, its just camouflage! Didn’t see the bond movie Die Another Day and his supposedly invisible car which had adaptive camouflage?? Its almost as good as hidden but can be seen by a sharp eye observing surroundings carefully. You should go and see the old Arnie movie Predator dude, you are coming across as Goyle junior!! 😉

Q: Why did the Death Eaters and Voldy bother to duel? Why not just fire the killing curse, Avada Kedavra, contnuously?
A: It ain’t the Gatling man!! It does require some mental strength and concentration!! Rowling hasn’t portrayed magic as * magic * which can be done by anyone!! She has portrayed it as an art, sort of science with its own set of rules, something which is learnt & then performed in a particular manner!!

Q: Why in the name of Merlin’s beard did Voldy summon the Sorting Hat & set it on fire on Neville’s head, from where Neville was able to get Godric Gryffindor’s sword to cut of Nagini’s head? Really a stupid thing to do!!
A: Yeah, I agree, really a stupid thing to do, but then Voldy has proven himself to be a stupid time and again, axed by his own stupidity repeatedly, no? Ah perhaps you wouldn’t know since you’ve already proved that you haven’t read any book in the series with eyes wide open, if you read them that is!! Let me tell you, Voldy had announced that there will no longer be any houses, just the Slytherin house which will suffice for everyone, so there wasn’t any point in having the Sorting Hat and Voldy was in a good mood since he believed that he’d finally vanquished Harry Potter and thought that he’d celebrate with some hat fire!! 😉

Q: If Death’s invisibility cloak, which Harry has, can block spells, how the heck did Dumbledore manage to stun Harry towards the end of book six, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince??
A: Firstly, Dumbledore didn’t stun Harry, he merely freezed him so that the charm will be lifted after Dumbledore dies. Secondly, where is it mentioned that the invisibility cloak of Harry can block all spells? If that were the case then wouldn’t Harry just put it on when facing Voldy? He wouldn’t have to dodge the killing curses in that case, no?? All that was mentioned was that the cloak would block all attempts of revelation, meaning no spell/curse etc. could reveal the person hidden beneath the invisibility cloak!! To know this, ofcourse one has to read with eyes wide open!! 😉

Q: Why the heck did Voldemort try the killing curse, Avada Kedavra, again & again when it just didn’t work on Harry?
A: Perhaps the guy didn’t read the fourth book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, where at the end after Voldy has taken Harry’s blood to re-make his body, Voldy thinks that he’s gotten around the protection Harry had against him. Also, looks like the fifth book, Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix, went unread since towards its end, during Dumbledore’s & Voldy’s duel, Voldy clearly shows that as per him there’s nothing worse than death and he loves to use his almost 100% successful killing curse. And ofcourse, as I’ve said, Voldy has shown his stupidity all through the story, so big deal that he acts stupidly yet again?

Q: If it isn’t invincible, then whats the use of Elder Wand being most powerful? Whats the use of it when a sixteen year old unqualifed wizard can take it from you or when a dumbo like Harry can defeat Voldemort?
A: Its like a person holding a Browning .22 automatic and his rival holding a Magnum Desert Eagle. I don’t think that Magnum Research Inc. makes the claim that the one of the most powerful handguns existing, Desert Eagle, makes the gunner invincible!! Both are handguns, both require a person squeezing the trigger, but the damage done by each varies by huge margin!! But the person having the Browning can injure or kill the Desert Eagle wielder, as its more about skill and opportunity rather than the weapon!! A good gun doesn’t make a gunner better shooter. Similarly a powerful wand couldn’t make a wizard/witch invincible. Hence Dumbledore was able to defeat Grindelwald, since Dumbledore’s skill outranked that of Grindelwald’s and his enhanced ability due to Elder Wand!!

Q: Were the Hallows made by Death itself? How else can the resurrection stone bring resurrect the dead?
A: The resurrection stone didn’t resurrect the dead, meaning they didn’t come back to life, merely their shadows came, similar to what happened when Voldy’s & Harry’s wands connected towards the end of fourth book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. As for how such a thing can possibly be made by a wizard, well, just like how Nicolas Flamel was able to make the Philosopher’s Stone which produced the Elixir of Life which made the drinker defy death!!

Q: Why was sixteen year old Draco Malfoy able to disarm Dumbledore? Why was a dumbo seventeen year old Harry able to take on Voldy and not only survive, but also kill Voldy? Why?
A: Yeah, why not? Can’t a rookie pilot shoot down a triple ace in a dogfight? Can’t a rookie private kill a hot-shot gunner in a gun fight? Are you stupid asking this nonsense question?

Well, the list could’ve gone on and on with same stupid questions being asked again and again, I thought it was enough and couldn’t bring myself to read on more stupid questions posed by people some of whom called themselves fans!! Yeah well, get a real fan yourself which can give you some air, the top floor stinks! 🙄 Its really amazing how stupid people can be, first for debating uselessly over a story book & then trying to find supposed plot holes which are nothing but holes in their own minds since they didn’t read any of the books with their eyes open! Gee, eat something good for a change people and get some fresh air!! 😉 😛